Jan 25, 2025





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Structure and Physicochemical Properties of Water Treated under Carbon Dioxide with Low-Temperature Low-Pressure Glow Plasma of Low Frequency

Aleksandra Ciesielska, Wojciech Ciesielski, Karen Khachatryan, Henryk Koloczek, Damian Kulawik, Zdzisław Oszczeda, Jacek Soroka and Piotr Tomasik

Structure and Physicochemical Properties of Water Treated under Carbon Dioxide with Low-Temperature Low-Pressure Glow Plasma of Low Frequency.

ABSTRACT: Treatment of water saturated with CO2 with low-temperature, low-pressure glow plasma of low-frequency (GP) produced a series of liquids. Their temperature and intensity of thermal effects non-linearly depended on the treatment time. However, the Raman spectra patterns of the treated water pointed to a specific structure of the water treated for 30 min. The spectra of control, non-treated water saturated with CO2, and such water treated for 15, 60, 90, and 120 min showed that their macrostructure was built mainly by a single donor, and single hydrogen bonded arrangements accompanied, to a certain extent, with free water molecules. The macrostructure of the water treated for 30 min consisted chiefly of tetrahedral and deformed tetrahedral structural units. That water contained long-living free radicals of discussed structure, stabilized in such macrostructure.

Keywords: carbon dioxide clathrates; solvent niches; carbon dioxide-free radical; carbonic acid; cold plasma interaction

Water Treated Under Carbon Dioxide - K. Khachatryan

Water 2020, 12(7), 1920; https://doi.org/10.3390/w12071920

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MDPI and ACS Style

Ciesielska, A.; Ciesielski, W.; Khachatryan, K.; Koloczek, H.; Kulawik, D.; Oszczeda, Z.; Soroka, J.; Tomasik, P. Structure and Physicochemical Properties of Water Treated under Carbon Dioxide with Low-Temperature Low-Pressure Glow Plasma of Low Frequency. Water 2020, 12, 1920.

AMA Style

Ciesielska A, Ciesielski W, Khachatryan K, Koloczek H, Kulawik D, Oszczeda Z, Soroka J, Tomasik P. Structure and Physicochemical Properties of Water Treated under Carbon Dioxide with Low-Temperature Low-Pressure Glow Plasma of Low Frequency. Water. 2020; 12(7):1920.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Ciesielska, Aleksandra; Ciesielski, Wojciech; Khachatryan, Karen; Koloczek, Henryk; Kulawik, Damian; Oszczeda, Zdzisław; Soroka, Jacek; Tomasik, Piotr. 2020. "Structure and Physicochemical Properties of Water Treated under Carbon Dioxide with Low-Temperature Low-Pressure Glow Plasma of Low Frequency." Water 12, no. 7: 1920.



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