Jan 25, 2025





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Formation and properties of selected quantum dots

Formation and properties of selected quantum dots in maize amylopectin matrix

Karen Khachatryan, Gohar Khachatryan, Maciej Fiedorowicz, Piotr Tomasik


Journal of Alloys and Compounds,Volume 607, 15 September 2014, Pages 39–43


  • Synthesis of quantum dots in aqueous gel of amylopectin.
  • Generation of quantum dots in non-ionic polysaccharide.
  • Preparation of CdS, Ga2S3 and ZnS quantum dots of the size below 10 nm.
  • The amylopectin matrix is not suitable for generation of CaS and Cs2S quantum dots.


CdS, ZnS, Ga2S3, CaS and Cs2S quantum dots (QDs) were generated in the amylopectin (Ap) matrix. They all emitted a light between 460 (ZnS) and 475 (CdS) nm. Sizes of Ga2S3 and CdS QDs were 7–9 nm and 5–7 nm, respectively. Single ZnS QDs had 6–7 nm but they readily aggregated. The CaS and Cs2S appeared mainly as 30–100 nm aggregates. There were no significant interactions between QDs and the Ap matrix. Presented method appeared unsuitable for the generation of CaS and Cs2S QDs as they as well as their substrates [Ca(NO3)2] hydrolyzed. Calcium compounds formed complexes with Ap and alkaline solution from CsOH could produce cesium salts of Ap as well as cause oxidation of Ap.


    Cadmium sulfide;
    Calcium sulfide;
    Cesium sulfide;
    Gallium sulfide;
    Light emission;
    Zinc sulfide
Khachatryan - Formation and properties of selected quantum dots

How to cite this paper?
Jak cytować ten artykuł?

MLA Khachatryan, Karen, et al. "Formation and properties of selected quantum dots in maize amylopectin matrix." Journal of Alloys and Compounds 607 (2014): 39-43.

APA Khachatryan, K., Khachatryan, G., Fiedorowicz, M., & Tomasik, P. (2014). Formation and properties of selected quantum dots in maize amylopectin matrix. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 607, 39-43.

ISO 690 KHACHATRYAN, Karen, et al. Formation and properties of selected quantum dots in maize amylopectin matrix. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2014, 607: 39-43.

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